Refund Policy

Refund Eligibility

We offer No refunds for Daily Festival Post purchases.

How to Request a Refund

To request a refund, please contact [email protected] Ensure to include relevant details such as the order number and reason for the refund request.

Refund Processing Time

Refund will be processed and credited to your original payment method within 1 day of receiving a valid refund request. Please note that the time it takes for the refund to appear in your account may vary depending on your payment method and financial institution.


Refunds may not be issued in the following cases:

If the refund request is made after the specified refund period.

If the product or service purchased has been substantially used or consumed.

If a refund is requested for reasons beyond our control, such as changes in device compatibility, operating system updates, or user preferences.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about our refund policy, please contact us at [email protected].

By using our app, you agree to adhere to this refund policy.